IS IT PURELY POSITIVE TRAINING WHEN THE SOLUTION IS EUTHANASIA? – This is very personal to me. Why? Because I have a beautiful dog in my care, that was “literally” one hour from euthanasia. I picked her up at 3pm not knowing that her appointment was at 4pm. Onyx (name changed for privacy), my beautiful...Continue reading
Dogedin Tips #2
DOG PARK ETIQUETTE – Deciding to take your dog to the dog park, is a very personal decision for you and your dog. Should you decide to go, the kind of etiquette your dog displays at the dog park is very important. We have all been to the dog park when there is a dog...Continue reading
Dogedin Tips #3
POTTY TRAINING TIPS – Crate your puppy! A crate that has enough room to turn around and stand up is all that they need. One too big allows for potty on one end and sleeping/eating on the other. – How long between outings? Add two hours to the age of your puppy and that’s the...Continue reading
Dogedin Tips #4
6 SIGNS YOUR DOG IS HEALTHY – Before placing your dog into a Training Program – Make Certain They’re in Great Physical Shape! In addition to regular checkups with a family veterinarian, including routine wellness procedures such as an annual blood panel, fecal testing and urine analysis, these indicators should be noticeable to pet owners....